The 10th generation Intel Core Comet Lake-S processor offers more cores and Hyper Threading from Core i3 to Core i9. With operating frequencies revised upwards while maintaining TDPs identical to previous generations, performance and fluidity are more than ever at the rendezvous with this 10th generation Intel Core processor. The Intel Core i5-10400 processor with 6 Cores (12 Threads), 12 MB of cache and Turbo frequencies of up to 4.3 GHz is intended for experienced gamers and users who need a processor at ease in all situations. the situations.
Processeur CPU I5-10400
- CPU model Intel Core i5
- CPU support Intel 1200
- CPU frequency 2.9GHz
- Frequency in Turbo mode 4.3GHz
- Bus frequency DMI 8.0 GT/s
- Number of cores 6
- Number of Threads 12
- Platform (proc.) Intel Comet Lake-S
Catégories : Composants, Processeur (CPU)
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